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The Shit I Go Through To Find Some Good Weed

Sunday, Jul 9, 2017, 1:23 pm

Except in Spain, South Africa, and a few South American countries, marijuana is illegal for recreational purpose in every other country. Many Asian and African countries don't care or don't mind its people smoking pot, so laws that ban weed are hardly enforced there. Even though marijuana is illegal in the United States as a recreational drug, people living in most states can still get it easily without too many complications. However, if you are a stoner living in states like Texas, Florida, and Louisiana, you are going to have a horrible time if you are caught with weed. This meme depicts all those struggles people need to go through to get some good weed to have fun on the weekend! 

This Post Belongs To 12 Funny Weed Memes That Are Sure To Get Your Sense Of Humor High 

The Shit I Go Through To Find Some Good Weed


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