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Things That Happen At Backstage

Thursday, Jan 21, 2016, 4:59 pm

At a frat party during my freshman year of college, two friends and I went to the bathroom together drunkenly, as girls usually do. Anyway, as I'm leaning on the lockless door to keep it closed, one of my friends is peeing, while the other opens the medicine cabinet and starts digging around. Then she pulls out a razor and walks over to the bathtub, (which is filled with ice, housing the extra keg), sits on the keg and proceeds to shave her vagina, announcing that she is going to fuck the president of the frat... To anyone wondering, she did. And some poor (or lucky, if you look at it that way) boy had lady pubes in his razor. Also sorry to anyone doing a kegstand that night. 
- iaskedalice

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Things That Happen At Backstage


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