This Offensive And NSFW Meme
Friday, Jul 7, 2017, 2:01 pm
By:James Fraser
"Why don't Jews eat p*ssy? Because it's too close to the gas chamber!"
It is surely is the most offensive and rude meme on the topic. The utterly terrible joke has reference to Holocaust and sex in the worst way possible! Ask any Jew, and they will tell you that this meme is the awful joke they have ever heard in their life. Hey, let us inform you once again that we didn't create these insane memes. We collected it from the internet especially for those who like reading dark jokes. If you find these memes offending, all you need to do is skip going through the topic and browse other funny and exciting content on our website.
This Post Belongs To 12 Offensive Memes That Will Make You Cry

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