Adventure Escape Series
Sunday, Oct 16, 2016, 12:34 pm
By:James Fraser
Adventure Escape is a series of six games. With over 500,000 positive reviews, Adventure Escape games are some of the most played and loved games in escape genre. Each game has a unique story. Adventure Escape: Space Crisis is the latest addition to the series. As the title suggests, players need to solve puzzles to bring the game's protagonist back to earth after a failed space mission. The unique thing about the game is that unlike the other games, the lead character is female. The previous stories revolved around college murder, asylum, cult, and detective mysteries.
Game: Adventure Escape (One to Six)
Price: Free to Install and play, Optional In-app Purchases
Downloads: 1 Million to 5 Million
Ratings: 5000+
Average Rating: 4
This Post Belongs To 15 Best Escape Games For IOS And Android

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