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Battle Of Zombies: Clans War

Tuesday, Oct 18, 2016, 11:37 am

Battle of Zombies is a fun and addicting war strategy game. This game takes place in a fictional zombie universe. There is no place for humans in this game. Hence, you need to play it as a zombie character. Battle of Zombies: Clans War is no different from the other games on the list when it comes to gameplay. You need to create a powerful zombie army, develop weapons, etc. Defend your turf from foreign invasions or attack other zombie clans to capture their land. It is a good game, but watch out for its negative feedback concerning to the latest game update.
Game: Battle of Zombies: Clans War
Price: Free to Install and Play, Optional In-app Purchases
Downloads: 10 Million to 50 Million
Reviews: 338,000+
Average Rating: 4
Google Play | App Store 

This Post Belongs To 12 Best War Strategy Games For IOS And Android 

Battle Of Zombies: Clans War

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