CSI: Hidden Crimes
Saturday, Oct 15, 2016, 7:40 am
By:James Fraser
Are you a fan of "Crime Scene Investigation games?" If so, you will love "CSI: Hidden Crimes!" Even if you didn't watch the series, you are still going to like this game. Come on, who doesn't want to be a crime investigator? It is an exciting job, isn't it? "CSI: Hidden Crimes" is a visual puzzle game, where you need to find onscreen clues to solve crime mysteries. Interrogate suspects, and arrest them if you found they are guilty. A person needs to have some exceptional problem solving abilities to complete this game without some help!
Game: CSI: Hidden Crimes
Price: Free to Install and Play, Optional In-app Purchases
Downloads: 10 Million to 50 Million
Reviews: 710,000+
Average Rating: 4.2
This Post Belongs To 12 Best Puzzle Games For Android And IOS

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