Clash Of Kings
Tuesday, Oct 18, 2016, 11:33 am
By:James Fraser
Clash of Kings is an online PVP (Players vs. Players) MMO game that has classic combats, throne battles, dragon fights, and many more interesting war elements. It lets you build a kingdom from the scratch, train a massive army, conquer enemies' territories, and plunder their wealth. Make allies. Raid your enemies as a team. Since Clash of Kings is an online game, you need to make smart and instantaneous strategic decisions. Clash of Kings is free to play, but someone who can spend real money on it has the best chance of winning battles.
Game: Clash of Kings
Price: Free to install and Download, Optional In-app Purchases
Downloads: 50 Million to 100 Million
Reviews: 1.8 Million+
Average Rating: 4.2
This Post Belongs To 12 Best War Strategy Games For IOS And Android

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