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GT Racing 2

Thursday, Oct 13, 2016, 8:55 am

GT Racing 2 is another popular racing game in the mobile segment. Developed by Gameloft, GT Racing 2 offers a lot more than just racing fun to players. Just like the other big games on the topic, it also has licensed cars and tracks that depict real world racing machines and locations. GT Racing 2 is a multiplayer game too. It lets you compete with players from different parts of the world. GTR 2 has stunning graphics. You don't just always race under the sun. The time of day and weather conditions keep changing, making the game more intriguing than its competitors. GT Racing 2's game physics and dynamics are awe-inspiring. Choose any of its four breathtaking camera angles to play, including cockpit view.
Game: GT Racing 2
Price: Free to Install and Play, Optional In-app Purchases
Downloads: 10 Million to 50 Million
Reviews: 1.5 Million+
Average Rating: 4.3 
Google Play App Store

This Post Belongs To 12 Best Car Racing Games For Mobile 

GT Racing 2


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