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Hip Escape Or Shrimping

Wednesday, Dec 7, 2016, 12:39 pm

A hip escape is a basic Brazilian Jiu Jitsu defense move that helps get rid of a grappling opponent. It is a basic technique, and if you can master it well, hip escape sets you up nicely to learn more defensive as well as attacking moves. You can practice this technique alone or with the help of a friend. If you are doing it alone, just lie on your back and imagine a person on your top who is trying to choke you. Bring your two elbows together and move your body leftwards, and then rightwards, to loosen up the opponent's grip. Now keep your two elbows close together and push your hands up quickly and forcefully as if you are doing a bench press. Please check the following video for visual instructions.

This Post Belongs To 12 Essential Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Techniques You Can Master At Home  

Hip Escape Or Shrimping


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