Jetpack Joyride
Sunday, Oct 16, 2016, 4:47 pm
By:James Fraser
Jetpack Joyride is primarily a jumping game. The story-driven mobile game is undeniably one of the best entries of the topic. The game's central character, Barry, breaks into a secret laboratory to sequester different kinds of experimental jetpacks made by evil scientists. As a player, you can use jetpacks to explore the lab while killing bad guys. The game graphics are good. You just need to touch and release the screen to ascend and descend respectively. Use jetpacks' ejection to kill the scientists. Don't forget to collect coins and use them to buy in-game goodies like outfits.
Game: Jetpack Joyride
Price: Free to Install and Play, Optional In-app Purchases
Downloads: 100 Million to 500 Million
Reviews: 3.8 Million
Average Rating: 4.4
This Post Belongs To 12 Best Jumping Games For IOS And Android

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