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My Little Pony

Thursday, Oct 13, 2016, 9:43 am

 Little Pony that has cute and colorful cartoonish pet characters! In this game, the villainous character, Nightmare Moon, spreads endless night across Ponyville. You play as a brave pony named Twilight Sparkle whose aim is to thwart evil plans of Nightmare Moon. You are responsible for building a new home for all Broncos in Ponyville. Take help from your pony buddies like Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, etc. This game is intriguing because you play as a pet that takes care of other pets!
Game: My Little Pony
Price: Free to Install and Play, Optional In-app Purchases
Downloads: 10 Million to 50 Million
Reviews: 1 Million+
Average Review: 4.3
Google Play | App Store

This Post Belongs To 12 Best Virtual Pet Games For Mobile  

My Little Pony


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