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Use Wax Paper To Keep Your Faucets Clean And Shining

Friday, Nov 6, 2015, 9:07 pm

Don't we all hate those water stains on our pricey faucets? Let's clean them now in the simplest way possible.
Hack: Use a wax paper to remove water stains, finger prints etc from your faucets. 
How do you do it? Clean your faucet with water or a wet cloth to remove grime off it. Take a wax paper and clean faucet as shown in the picture. Voila! There you go.  You have your faucet shining and twinkling like a new one.
Note that this hack works best with faucets that have a chrome finish.

This Post Belongs To 15 Home Cleaning Hacks that Make Cleaning Easy 

Use Wax Paper To Keep Your Faucets Clean And Shining


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