Zombie Diary 2: Evolution
Tuesday, Oct 18, 2016, 8:38 am
By:James Fraser
What if zombies are intelligent and organized? What if they have bosses? This game, Zombie Diary 2: Evolution, has a gripping storyline that has answers to the above questions. In this game, you play as a superhero who needs to act fast and kill zombies to keep them from taking over the world. Zombie Diary 2: Evolution has real badass zombies that are sure to make winning tough. It is a shooting game, so the objective is picking a gun and shooting down as many zombies as you can in a level based game environment.
Game: Zombie Dairy 2: Evolution
Price: Free to Install and Download, Optional In-app Purchases
Downloads: 5 Million to 10 Million
Reviews: 380,000+
Average Rating: 4.4
This Post Belongs To 12 Best Zombie Survival Games For IOS And Android

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