Zombie Smasher
Tuesday, Oct 18, 2016, 8:23 am
By:James Fraser
Zombie Smasher is a simple zombie-themed game. It doesn't have fantastic graphics or complex gameplay. All you need to do is touch a zombie, and it instantly dies. Touch as many zombies, as you can, to keep them from invading your home. Be very fast, but watch out for kids on the street, and try not to kill them. Zombie Smasher is a highly addicting game. Right now, this game has over 60 exciting levels with an assurance to add more in the future. It lets you play in two modes, Time Mode and Survival Model. Have some free time to kill? Try Zombie Smasher.
Game: Zombie Smasher
Price: Free to Install and Optional
Downloads: 50 Million to 100 Million
Reviews: 801,000+
Average Rating: 4.2
This Post Belongs To 12 Best Zombie Survival Games For IOS And Android

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