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Sharon Osbourne

Tuesday, Aug 2, 2016, 8:49 am

Sharon Osbourne is a stunning 63-year-old woman. The talk show host battled with weight issues for most of her life. Osbourne said she had fought bulimia-related issues for 35 years. She would binge-eat at family dinners and then make herself sick afterward. She said she had gained a lot of weight in the past because of bulimia.  She eventually had gastric bypass surgery, but that still didn't cure her physical issues. As you may know, bulimia refers to binge eating of food and purging it out with laxatives. People like Osbourne who suffer from bulimia don't particularly love food, but they eat it anyway because their mind constantly wants them to eat something. Did you know Sharon Osbourne had an abortion?
This Post Belongs To 12 Celebrities Who Had Eating Disorders 

Sharon Osbourne


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