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Tina Fey's Scar On Left Cheek

Friday, Jul 1, 2016, 7:01 am

As a television and movie actress, Tina Fey's scar isn't visible because of the makeup. When you talk about celebrities who are extremely good at makeup, Tina Fey will be at the top of the discussion! Many girls around the world are a big fan of Tina Fey's makeup techniques. 
She has a scar on her face. Because of the foundation, the scar on the left side of her face usually goes undetected. If you look closely, you can see the scar on her face.

Tina Fey's Scar On Left Cheek

Tina Fey's Scar On Left Cheek

Tina Fey's Scar On Left Cheek

The complete details of how she got it is sketchy. However, Fey revealed that when she was six-years-old, while she was playing in the alley behind her house a random person approached her and violently cut her face.

This Post Belongs To 12 Celebrities With Scars And Deformities 

Tina Fey's Scar On Left Cheek


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