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Tom Anderson Vs. Polo Tapia

Tuesday, Jun 28, 2016, 10:59 am

Polo Tapia is an ordinary Twitter user. At some point in time in the past, Tom Anderson, MySpace founder, owned that guy for mocking him over his comments on Instagram terms change. As you can read from the picture, Tom Anderson was trying to tell people that the new Instagram terms and conditions were not dangerous. Polo Tapia responded to Tom's tweet with a silly and ignorant reply. It looks like the reply annoyed Tom Anderson. Tom humiliated and destroyed Tapia's confidence completely with a brilliant comeback. Polo Tapia might have learned two lessons in the hardest way possible. One is that celebs or influential people on Twitter do respond to their follower comments. The second lesson is that he should never try to mock a wealthy or successful person or otherwise they are going to hit straight at his mediocre financial position. 

This Post Belongs To 15 Hilarious Twitter Comebacks Ever 

Tom Anderson Vs. Polo Tapia


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