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Use An Old Pillow Cover To Clean Fan Blades

Friday, Nov 6, 2015, 4:10 pm

Fan blades need to be cleaned periodically, without which huge deposits of dirt and debris accumulate on them, resulting in a squeaky and dirty looking fan. How do you do it easily? Read this.
Hack: Use old pillow cover to clean dust off from fan blades, without making the entire room messy.
How do you do it? Take an old pillow cover and clean the blades as shown in the figure.

Use An Old Pillow Cover To Clean Fan Blades

All these hacks were shared by people who are experts at keeping their homes clean. They are kind of clean freaks, and absolutely hate to see even fingerprint marks on their stuff. We suggest caution, and want you to be extra careful while attempting to do these hacks. If you are unsure of results, give these hacks a trial run. For example, you can try 'baking soda paste hack' only on a tiny portion of your cabinet to check results and proceed only if you are impressed by the results.

This Post Belongs To 15 Home Cleaning Hacks that Make Cleaning Easy 


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