Where's Waldo Tattoo
Sunday, Jun 12, 2016, 12:49 pm
We are talking about puzzle tattoos, so we firmly believe this tattoo qualifies as one. Unlike the other tattoos in the topic, this one is indeed a real puzzle tattoo where people can solve it by looking at it. This Where's Waldo tattoo looks cool, and makes us feel like finding Waldo the moment we see it!
The tattoo is big, colorful and neatly done. The only downside of the tattoo is that it was inked on the backside, and not many people can notice it. Nonetheless, it is still an excellent tattoo. By the way, where's Waldo? Can you find him? No? Let's give you a hint. He was standing right next to a bunch of hot chicks!
This Post Belongs To 12 Amazing 3D Puzzle Tattoos Ever
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