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Why Would They Deep-fry Thanksgiving Turkey In A Parking Lot?

Thursday, Nov 26, 2015, 12:44 pm

I worked in a Best Buy for a few years. The one that definitely takes the cake was the time my General Manager had to call the police and fire department when a family became irate when he told them they couldn't deep-fry their Thanksgiving turkey in the parking lot. They started threatening to torch cars and burn the store down.

Why Would They Deep-fry Thanksgiving Turkey In A Parking Lot?

Remember, not all Black Friday deals are great. Some manufacturers produce Black Friday specific items that may not last long, or miss some features. Personal safety is important too. After reading these stories, we hope you take extra care of yourselves during your Black Friday shopping.

This Post Belongs To 15 People Share Their Most Horrific Black Friday Stories 


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