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The Horrible Mom

Thursday, Feb 18, 2016, 4:36 pm

I saw this a number of years back, it made me not only despise humanity but also judge my place within it.
I was riding a city bus to the university I was attending. It was early morning, right in the middle of the commute time, the bus was packed. There was a woman sitting with her son in her lap. Every so often the son would cry and she would comfort him, lovingly. I thought little of this until he yelped more than cried. She was digging her nails into his arm, until he cried and then would comfort him. I have heard of parents hurting their children for the attention themselves, or to seem like good parents, just never seen it.
As it began to happen again. A homeless man got up and got right in her face. He said to her, "We all see what the fuck you are doing, but I am the only one who doesn't care what people think of me. You cut that shit out or I will fix this problem." He was right, people were to afraid of what would happen to help the boy, it took someone more removed. She stopped (for that bus ride) and I do my best to deal with things right when I find they don't sit right with me.

This Post Belongs To 15 People Reveal The Most Messed Up Thing They Have Seen While Using Public Transport 

The Horrible Mom


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