15 Awkward Body Sensations The Opposite Sex Will Never Experience
Monday, Aug 17, 2020, 5:03 pm
By:James Fraser
We are humans, and we are all same as a species. However, sex and gender categorize us into two broad classifications, male and female. It is amazing how a man and woman who belong to the same species look so much different in physical appearance. It's even more amazing how the man and woman work together to create a new human being! Men and women are never the same. It's not just about physical differences we are talking about. There is a great difference between male and female decision making and thinking patterns. Both men and women have their culture and way of living.
As a man, it is very hard to understand what it feels like being a woman. It is very hard to comprehend what it feels like to have breasts, or how sex feels from a female perspective. Women can't understand what it feels like being a man either.
While we can't really help you understand what it feels like being a man or woman, we can certainly tell you fifteen body sensations the opposite sex never get to experience.
1.Men Can Never Understand the Discomfort Caused By Periods
Men are lucky because they don't have to deal with anything like periods (menstruation). Most men think menstruation is all about bleeding. However, it's not! They can never understand physical pain and emotional distress associated with menstruation. Women have to deal with menstrual cramps, back pain, mental distress, discomfort caused by bleeding and many more. With all these, they have to live with the fear of bloodstains on their dresses as well.
Men can't even dare to imagine their penises bleeding good for four to five days a month!

2.When Penis Touches Inside of a Toilet Bowl
Ladies, you are lucky because you can never run into this situation. Unfortunately, most men run into this situation where the tip of their penis comes in contact with the toilet bowl. It feels gross, and it takes some time for men to forget and get over it. Though toilets host a plethora of disease-causing germs, men are highly unlikely to catch an infection this way.

3.Morning Wood
Most women find male erections interesting! Some of them don't even understand how it works. As a woman, it is even hard to imagine what it's like getting an erection. Most men wake up with an awkward boner. It is called 'morning wood.' The downside is they have to wait until it's completely gone before they can come out of their bed.

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