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15 People Who Said The Wrong Thing At The Wrong Time

Sunday, Aug 30, 2020, 5:53 pm

We put ourselves in many embarrassing situations. We create awkward situations, or sometimes we unknowingly get stuck with them. Of all the awkward situations we may run into, those we create by saying something wrong at the wrong time are the most embarrassing ones. Sometimes things really go out of our control, and we let a terrible verbal mistake happen. Here are fifteen people who said something wrong at the wrong time, as told by them.
7.Oh no!!!

I was buying perfume for my birthday. I kept going back and forth between two or three perfumes. One of them was named “Oh Lola,” but I thought the salesclerk was mistaken, so I kept saying “Ooh Lala.” So the whole time I was there I kept referring to the perfume as “Ooh Lala.” I didn’t realize the real name was “Oh Lola” until I got home and opened the box.

Oh no!!!-15 People Who Said The Wrong Thing At The Wrong Time

8.One More Embarrassing Situation

I was 15 and went to my first funeral. I saw the widow walking toward me, bawling her eyes out. She looked at me with a forced smile, trying to be friendly. I said, “What’s up? How are you doing?” She kept walking.

Looks like anything you say at a funeral can get you in trouble, Better don't speak anything if you're not sure of yourself.

One More Embarrassing Situation-15 People Who Said The Wrong Thing At The Wrong Time

9.This Funny Incident

I was in class a few weeks ago, and someone sneezed, so I said, “Good morning.” It was two p.m., and I was the only person who said anything. I put my earbuds in and pretended like nothing happened.
I believe most of us have greeted someone wrongly atleast once in our life, but it becomes really embarrassing when you say it out loud in front a huge audience.

This Funny Incident-15 People Who Said The Wrong Thing At The Wrong Time

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