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15 People Who Said The Wrong Thing At The Wrong Time

Sunday, Aug 30, 2020, 5:53 pm

We put ourselves in many embarrassing situations. We create awkward situations, or sometimes we unknowingly get stuck with them. Of all the awkward situations we may run into, those we create by saying something wrong at the wrong time are the most embarrassing ones. Sometimes things really go out of our control, and we let a terrible verbal mistake happen. Here are fifteen people who said something wrong at the wrong time, as told by them.
10.This M&Ms vs. Chocolate Chip Confusion

I went to McDonald’s for an M&M’s McFlurry. I said, “Hi, I’ll have a chocolate chip McFlurry.” The cashier responded, “Uh, we don’t have chocolate chip.” I was staring at the M&M’s in confusion and said, “OK, I’ll have a chocolate chip McFlurry.” They repeated, “Ma’am, we don’t have chocolate chip. Did you mean M&M?” I never went to that McDonald’s again.

I guess sometimes we are so into something we don't realize what we are saying or writing. Such embarrassments happen to all of us.

This M&Ms vs. Chocolate Chip Confusion-15 People Who Said The Wrong Thing At The Wrong Time

11.Checking out Squishy Balls

During a layover at the Denver airport, I was trying to find a toy for my son. The male associate walked up and asked if I needed assistance. Me: "No thanks, I'm just checking out your squishy balls."
Okay, Anything below the pants is really awkward and embarrassing for all of us. Avoid saying words with double meaning in public.

Checking out Squishy Balls-15 People Who Said The Wrong Thing At The Wrong Time

12.One More Awkward Funeral Situation

My sister and I were at a funeral, and we ran into an old friend who asked us how we were doing. My sister automatically said, “Well, we’re not dead!” I’ve never laughed so hard at a funeral before.
Having a witty humor is good but not at a funeral. You or your friends may laugh out loud accidentally making things awkward for everyone.

One More Awkward Funeral Situation-15 People Who Said The Wrong Thing At The Wrong Time

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