15 Guys Reveal The Most Awkward Thing A Girl Has Ever Said To Them
Monday, Aug 17, 2020, 4:59 pm
By:James Fraser
After reading these hilarious responses, you will not have any problems accepting the fact that women can be really weird sometimes. Most of the girls you are about to know and read now are precisely the kind of women every man fears to meet in his life. Some of these ladies are stupid, dumb and funny as well. Don't waste any time, and jump right in to read these fifteen most awkward things girls have ever said to guys.
13.And This Real Awkward Wish
My ex asked if I would helicopter my flaccid penis for her.

14.This Awkward Girlfriend
"I already bought your birthday present, so you can't break up with me until at least after your birthday"
We'd been dating for three months, my birthday was still two months away, and I broke up with her a week later.

15.The Girl Who Couldn't Figure out Her Stupidity
She was trying to be "nice" and told me I'd make a nice back up if her first few choices don't work out. She couldn't wrap her dumb little head around why that wasn't a compliment.

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