Bizarre Laws In New York
Friday, Aug 14, 2020, 8:16 pm
1.Your Own Back Yard
If you live in NYC you cannot camp outside in your own back yard for longer than 72 hours per month. If you want to camp out for longer than two weeks you need a permit. This permit can only be obtained once a year. Who keeps the clock watching on all this one wonders?
2.Thou Shalt Not Wiggle Thou Fingers!
Placing your thumb on your nose and wiggling your fingers in order to greet a friend or foe. This is illegal in New York City, but then it is a pretty stupid thing to do anyway.
3.No Smoking Under 21
You cannot smoke in NYC until the age of 21. This is one of New York's bizarre rules that make sense right! However, you can join the army at 18!
4.Slipper Laws
Whatever you do, do not wear slippers after 10am in NYC that is illegal. However, you do wonder if the punishment is linked to the size of your feet.
5.No Flirting
A fine of $25 can be levied for flirting with someone in NYC. So best you keep your eyes straight and your mouth shut when in NYC. No wonder they seem like such an unfriendly bunch!
6.No Slurping
When in NYC you might want to give the soup a miss since if you do slurp it you could be in trouble. Slurping soup is definitely illegal in NYC. If it is chicken noodle soup you might have a full blown panic attack!
In NYC you cannot simply divorce your partner. It has to be agreed by both partners that the differences between you are irreconcilable. This is a tough one since most arguing couples cannot agree on anything!
8.Elevator Silence
If you are a visitor to New York you might have felt awkward in an elevator? The law in NYC is no chatting to strangers or looking at stranger whilst riding an elevator. Plus, you are advised to keep your hands folded.
9.No ice cream cone in your pocket
This might disappoint many people, but you cannot walk around with an ice-cream cone in your pocket in NYC. Luckily it is only on a Sunday, so it must be a Sabbath day thing.
10.Women in Public Topless
In NYC it is perfectly OK for women to go topless as long as they are not soliciting of course! Is it legal for men one wonders?
11.Homoph0bic Words To Sons
If you are a dad and you have a son who takes a fancy to dressing in girlie clothes it is illegal to call him homoph0bic names, like 'faggot' or 'queer'.
12.Jumping Off A Building
If you do decide to take the leap off a building in New York, make sure it is the end. The law for NYC is if you do that and survive the penalty is death!
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