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15 Most Disgusting People In The History Of Twitter

Thursday, Aug 20, 2020, 4:39 pm

Everything around us is a mix of good and bad. We have people who built supercomputers, and we have people who lack basic common sense. Some intelligent people who developed social media while the dumb and the crappy ones who use it to expose their stupidity. Whether you like them or not is up to you, but don't miss checking these fifteen trashiest tweets we found on Twitter. Some of these tweets are plain gross and creepy.
13.Misusing Child Support and Announcing that on Twitter

Partying, Clubbing, drinking - all in the name of a child! Be it a grant or paid by the parent, that's not how one should use child support money.

Misusing Child Support and Announcing that on Twitter-15 Most Disgusting People In The History Of Twitter

14.Isn't 6th Grade too Early to Do All These?

Well, that's a big list. That's something even thirty-year-olds don't do. Look where the world is heading to!

Isn't 6th Grade too Early to Do All These?-15 Most Disgusting People In The History Of Twitter

15.What's Your Say on This?

That sounds incest, I mean who would in their right mind kiss their brother or sister, Both of them need some counselling to be honest!

What's Your Say on This?-15 Most Disgusting People In The History Of Twitter

Twitter is really a weird place, You will find dumb posts like these on twitter very often, Maybe some of them are just joking around, but we all know the amount of stupid people on the internet, so such posts can be actually true.

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