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15 Most Disgusting People In The History Of Twitter

Thursday, Aug 20, 2020, 4:39 pm

Everything around us is a mix of good and bad. We have people who built supercomputers, and we have people who lack basic common sense. Some intelligent people who developed social media while the dumb and the crappy ones who use it to expose their stupidity. Whether you like them or not is up to you, but don't miss checking these fifteen trashiest tweets we found on Twitter. Some of these tweets are plain gross and creepy.
10.This Horrible Relationship

The relationship is just gross and wrong on so many levels. Announcing that on Twitter is just... just... (no words to explain!)

This Horrible Relationship-15 Most Disgusting People In The History Of Twitter

11.This Public Announcement

Are people dumb enough not to know such tweets can put them in trouble? You can't simply announce illegal or wrong doings on social media; can you?

This Public Announcement-15 Most Disgusting People In The History Of Twitter

12.Faith in Humanity Lost

These days we see people take selfies doing insane things. This picture won an entry into the exclusive club of 'worst selfies ever'.

Faith in Humanity Lost-15 Most Disgusting People In The History Of Twitter

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