15 Teachers Who Slept With Their Students
Friday, Aug 21, 2020, 12:20 pm
A student-teacher relationship is one of the most respectable and greatest human relationships. A teacher is someone who shows us the real world. He or she guides us toward knowledge and wisdom and helps us shape our careers. Most of us respect our teachers the way how we respect our parents. Most teachers are good human beings. The bad ones are not uncommon, though. Some teachers abuse their teacher privileges by having illegal sexual affairs with students. Here are fifteen such female teachers who slept with their underage male (and female) students, and went to prison.
10.Debra LaFave
Debra Lafave was a Florida-based teacher when she was arrested in 2004 for having a sexual affair with her 14-year-old male student. The inappropriate relationship became public when the boy's aunt saw him hanging out with Debra on more than one occasion. She alerted the boy's mother over the possible lewd relationship. After intense questioning by the mother, the 14-year-old admitted to having a sexual relationship with his teacher, Debra Lafave. This particular case received a lot of media attention, forcing the boy's mother to come to an agreement with Debra so that the child's identity is safe. According to the agreement, Debra would receive three years of house arrest and sexual offender registration as punishment. She is now free from all the charges and living a happily married life.

11.Carrie McCandless
Carrie McCandless was a cheerleading teacher at a Brighton-based school. She was arrested in 2011 on sexual assault charges. She slept with her 17-year-old male student at a school's night camping event. She was accused of supplying alcohol to the male students on the evening. She reportedly had sex with the boy, in proximity to the other boys. She was sentenced to 45 days in prison and registered as a sexual offender for life. She was previously arrested on a couple of occasions on the charges of illegal drug possession and driving under the influence.

12.Hope Jacoby
Hope Jacoby was a 23-year-old athletic trainer at Tustin High School, California, when she was arrested in 2008 for having a sexual relationship with a minor boy. Hope Jacoby had an illegal sexual affair with an unnamed boy who was said to be between 14 and 17 years old. The affair continued for over one year. She was arrested by police when some unknown person alerted them after they saw a picture of Hope Jacoby giving oral sex to the boy, on the boy's phone. She was arrested but was released a couple of weeks later on a $100,000 bail. Although the affair was consensual, it was illegal as the boy was still a minor at that time.

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