15 People Reveal Their One Secret That Can Ruin Their Life If It Came Out
Friday, Aug 21, 2020, 4:10 pm
By:James Fraser
For the world, you may definitely be a good person. Do you personally think you are? We all are imperfect in one or the other way. We have evil thoughts lurking in our minds. None of us admit because that's how the humans actually are. However, we still have good people living on this planet. Only after reading these confessions you would realize that the so-called good people hardly exist. Read these fifteen life secrets shared by people that can ruin their lives completely if they disclose it to people around them.
13.This Cold-hearted Guy
I got an escort pregnant. She had an abortion. Doctor fucked her up, and she can never have children. We stay in contact. A year later she asks for a lot of money to cover a funeral bill. Her entire family dies in a car accident. I tell her I'll wire the money over to her but instead I break all ties with her by turning off my phone and moving. Never heard from her again.
- tabound

14.And This Lady Who Revealed The Grossest of All Secrets
I am a 20-year-old girl, and whenever I poop, I have to touch it. I swear I am not gross or disgusting in any other way besides this. When I was little, I used to stick my fingers up my butthole to dig the poop out. Then I got worms, probably from doing this, so I stopped. But whenever I poop I just have to touch it. I know it is completely disgusting.
- y3ahy3ah

15.Another Horrible Family Secret
When I was a kid, I had a really hard time learning to ride a bike. My brother learned quickly, and my parents spent quite a bit of time with him as a result. The time they weren't spending with me...
After feeling intense jealousy for a few days, I disconnected the brakes on his bicycle.
The next day he crashed into a fire hydrant and broke his neck. He's been paralyzed from the neck down ever since.
This was fifteen years ago.
I've never told anybody.
- throwaway8579

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