15 People Reveal Their One Secret That Can Ruin Their Life If It Came Out
Friday, Aug 21, 2020, 4:10 pm
By:James Fraser
For the world, you may definitely be a good person. Do you personally think you are? We all are imperfect in one or the other way. We have evil thoughts lurking in our minds. None of us admit because that's how the humans actually are. However, we still have good people living on this planet. Only after reading these confessions you would realize that the so-called good people hardly exist. Read these fifteen life secrets shared by people that can ruin their lives completely if they disclose it to people around them.
10.Internet Back Then
When I was little, back in the days of 56 k modems, One day I, and a 12-year-old kid was discovering the pornographic expanse of the internet while my parents were out of the house. I managed to end up on some camgirl site. Back then things were different with billing. You didn't have to give them your credit card information. You just click accept on their front page (does anyone actually read the fine print to get into a porn site) and bam. Billed it through our phone line. I was having the most innocent conversation with a goth looking young woman in a bikini. I was just lolling like when most people discovered chat roulette. All of a sudden. A window pops up saying my current bill for this 'private chat' and it was like 700 dollars. I realized what had happened and freaked out. I cleared all the history and temporary files and never mentioned it again. A few months later my parents seemed shocked. They had gotten a ridiculousness statement on their phone bill for some erotic service they had surely never ordered. They briefly asked me, devoid of suspicion, and I simply denied any clue as to what it was about.
They told the phone company it must have been fraudulent, and someone somewhere along the line dropped the bill.
- Pfuschendennarr

11.The Dangers of Porn Addiction
I am a female senior in high school. I'm considered fairly intelligent, well-mannered, and one of the good kids.
I am also addicted to pornography and have been since the fifth grade. It was originally normal, male-female sex, but has since expanded into everything from Beastiality to homosexuality to pedophilia to incest. I would never want actually to perform any of the acts I see, but I am addicted to reading stories featuring them and looking at images of them.
I'm addicted, and I can't tell anyone. I want to be free, but I don't know how to get away from this.
- Chattycathy234

12.Someone Set a Forest on Fire
I lit a tree on fire for kicks, and ended burning half a forest down, and several homes went up in flames in the process. I wanted to say "I did that" when I saw it on the news.
- burntdown

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