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15 Most Bizarre Brothels Around The World

Thursday, Aug 20, 2020, 4:18 pm

Prostitution can be divided into three broad categories, street prostitution, escort prostitution and brothel prostitution. Prostitution is illegal in many countries around the world including the United States. In countries like Brazil, Argentina, United Kingdom, prostitution is legal but not regulated. In countries like Australia, New Zealand, Mexico, Netherlands, prostitution is legal and controlled by the government. Let's talk about brothels. Brothels are classified under 'organized prostitution', and they are illegal in all countries except a few like Australia, Netherlands and New Zealand. Brothels are illegal in the US, but they are legal in a few rural Nevada counties. Not all brothels are same! Check fifteen strangest brothels around the world. 
7.Pascha Brothel, Cologne, Germany

Pascha is the biggest brothel in Germany. The 12-storeyed brothel is also the Europe's first high rise brothel. There are about 120 sex workers working in the brothel, serving 1000 customers a day. Visitors need to pay a small entry fee. Once they are in, they can wander around the building and negotiate directly with the prostitutes. 

Pascha Brothel, Cologne, Germany-15 Most Bizarre Brothels Around The World

8.Campervan Brothels, UK

In the United Kingdom, you can find these 'Passion Wagons' where people can have sex with prostitutes inside the van. The women charge their clients anywhere between $100 and $150 per hour. The campervans (RVs) are usually parked in specific areas of the towns so the customers can find them and hook up with ladies. 

Campervan Brothels, UK-15 Most Bizarre Brothels Around The World

9.Stiletto Brothel, Sydney, Australia

It's the most famous brothel in Australia. It's not just a brothel, but a complete 'relaxing' package that offers many services including massage and spa. The specialty of the place is that every room and suite in the hotel has a unique theme. James Bond, Betty Boop, Kama Sutra etc are some of the themes. 

Stiletto Brothel, Sydney, Australia -15 Most Bizarre Brothels Around The World

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