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15 People Who Were Strippers Before Becoming Famous

Monday, Aug 31, 2020, 11:42 am

You can't deny the fact that conventional and adult entertainment industries are somewhat closely related. The two industries are cash cows, and will make people millionaires if they get that one good opportunity. Many celebrities were former porn stars and strippers as well. They stripped for money, and in fact, the stripping gig helped them get big Hollywood contacts. From Brad Pitt, Channing Tatum to Catherine Zeta-Jones, here's a list of fifteen famous people who were strippers in the past.
4.Catherine Zeta-Zones

The highly talented Hollywood actress had no issues whatsoever to admit being a stripper in the past. She stripped because she needed money for a nose job (rhinoplasty). She left the stripping job when she made enough money for the surgery.

Catherine Zeta-Zones-15 People Who Were Strippers Before Becoming Famous

5.Chris Pratt

Chris Pratt too admitted to stripping in his younger days to make money. He said he failed at it and couldn't make big money he hoped for. 

Chris Pratt-15 People Who Were Strippers Before Becoming Famous

6.Anna Nicole Smith

The late actress and Playboy model started her journey from a strip club. In the beginning, she used to work as a waitress at Red Lobster. She tried stripping to make more money, and it worked.

Anna Nicole Smith-15 People Who Were Strippers Before Becoming Famous

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