12 Celebrities Who Stuttered When They Were Kids
Tuesday, Aug 25, 2020, 7:52 am
Tony Williams
Although many researchers loosely link stutter to genetics, no one clearly knows how and why the speech impediment affects some humans. Stammering is mostly observed in children. However, most kids grow out of the condition by the time they hit puberty, thanks to the vocal exercises and modern medical facilities. Hey, did you know some of the iconic Hollywood stars stuttered when they were kids? Fortunately, they all have cured their stutter, mostly on their own. What's fascinating is that some of them even ended up being top singers and vocal artists! Know the names of 12 celebrities who stuttered in their childhood.
#8 Eric Roberts
It might be a family thing, but just like his famous actress sister, Julia Roberts, Eric Roberts stuttered too. The good looking actor made pop culture history with his famous quote, "Charlie they took my thumbs," in the hit movie, The Pop of Greenwich Village. He went on to star in the Dark Knight and his daughter Emma is now an actress. Apparently his Daughter Emma Roberts is famous for her feet as well.


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