12 Famous Celebrities Suffering From OCD
Sunday, Aug 30, 2020, 6:50 am
Tony Williams
OCD; the psychological condition is complicated enough that a healthy person doesn't completely understand what it is, and a patient doesn't fully know how to get rid of it! In medical terms, OCD or obsessive-compulsive disorder is defined as an uncontrollable urge to perform daily life actions repeatedly, like washing hands or checking to see if a door is locked. OCD is a peculiar mental disorder. Its symptoms are diverse. The condition affects every person in a different way. The good news is that OCD doesn't kill people. That bad news is it can totally ruin lives and careers. Learn more about the 12 famous people with OCD, and know how they are coping up with the condition. Hey, do you have any friend who is suffering from OCD? Share this topic to inspire them!
#10 Alec Baldwin
Alec Baldwin explained his OCD best. Whenever stress arises over something that is hugely at stake, like landing a role, getting a job, a date, or anything that you truly desire, people with OCD will perform rituals thinking that it might help make it happen. Baldwin claims he has the need to move things, like moving his snowglobe three inches. Did you know Alec Baldwin's daughter Ireland Baldwin is all grown up?


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