12 Celebrities You Didn't Know Had A Twin Sibling
Monday, Aug 17, 2020, 8:51 am
Tony Williams
Can you quickly name a few celebrity twins? Mary Kate - Ashely Olsen, Benji Madden - Joel Madden, Tia - Tamera and there are a bunch of them who are qualified to be called celebrity twins. We aren't talking about them, though! What you are about to see now are the pictures of the celebrities who are posing with their lesser known twins! They were born and raised together. They shared many things during their childhood. However, when they grew up, only one of them managed to strike gold in the entertainment industry! Know more about the celebs and their twins.
#4 Samantha Ronson
Well this is quite a talented family because Samantha has a twin sister and between them they are fashion designers and DJ's. The one thing that you can be sure of with that combination is that they both know how to party and party hard.


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