12 Shortest Celebrity Marriages Ever
Wednesday, Aug 19, 2020, 7:43 am
Tony Williams
These celebs' decision to part ways came even before their stomachs evacuated the wedding cake they had eaten on their wedding day! Throughout the history, we have seen many celebrity marriages going in flames in a flash. The divorce rate in celebrity community is quite high. What's more terrible than that is the stars' inability to live happily as a couple even for a few days after tying the knot. Oh man, a celebrity divorce is a mess. A star could be losing millions in the name of spousal/child support. We have no idea what drives these crazy celebs into making poor relationship decisions. Read more about 12 of the short-lived celebrity marriages ever.
#9 Cher
The Oscar winning musician Cher did something in the 70s that even women of the current generation don't dare to do! The millionaire singer Cher married singer and musician Gregg Allman in 1975 and filed for a divorce just nine days later. Guess what? She married Gregg just three days after she divorced her first husband Sonny Bono! Everybody knew the marriage was going to be on the rocks. Cher was just going through a real bad period at that time. The iconic singer cited Gregg's cocaine addiction as a reason for the split, but what confuses us the most is, didn't the "Heart of Stone" singer knew about it when she was dating him?

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