12 Best Miley Cyrus Memes That Will Make You Feel Bad For Laughing
Sunday, Aug 16, 2020, 11:01 am
Tony Williams
Miley Cyrus is one of the most talented performers in the show business right now, and she has been among the most controversial stars as well. When we saw her portraying Hanna Montana, she was a cute little young girl who could win the world with just her smile. What she has been doing lately on her stage shows is absolute crass and brilliant at the same time. If Olympics Committee were to recognize twerking as a sport, Miley Cyrus would surely stand a strong chance to win gold! These 12 Miley Cyrus memes show what the butt-jiggling entertainer is up to lately!
#1 Poor Pooch
When your dog knows you can out-lick him, it's time to be worried. Very, very worried. See the fear in his eyes!

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