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15 Architecture Fails

Wednesday, Aug 26, 2020, 10:56 pm

Professionals like architects can’t afford to make mistakes, as their mistakes can prove costly. What if they do make mistakes? Below are fifteen images that show how architects failed at their job. These images will make us wonder what is in the minds of these architects when they are doing stuff like this.
7.A Pointless Escalator

Look at this pointless escalator built by a possibly headless architect. Why would anyone build an escalator that goes nowhere? Even we don’t know. We wonder why people let something like this happen, as it takes lots of time and effort to install an escalator. 

A Pointless Escalator-15 Architecture Fails


8.You Shall Not Pass, Train

In what looks like an engineering marvel of the century, some architect managed to install a power pole right in the middle of a railway track. Common sense is mother of all sciences, wonder why so many people are bad at it.

You Shall Not Pass, Train-15 Architecture Fails


9.Bad Architect, Even Bad Resident

How do you correct a badly placed ceiling fan? Disassemble the fan, and install it in the right place. You can otherwise make holes in the wall to fit the fan, as shown in the image. Whoever did this is just terrible. There will be ninety nine good ways to correct a mistake, but people will choose that one hundredth bad method.

Bad Architect, Even Bad Resident -15 Architecture Fails


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