15 Architecture Fails
Wednesday, Aug 26, 2020, 10:56 pm
By:James Fraser
Professionals like architects can’t afford to make mistakes, as their mistakes can prove costly. What if they do make mistakes? Below are fifteen images that show how architects failed at their job. These images will make us wonder what is in the minds of these architects when they are doing stuff like this.
10.Your Path to Success
Of course, yes it is blocked. Joking aside, what is that lonely staircase doing there? This is another terrible construction fail, where the architect had no clue what he is doing. This picture shows one of the more terrible failures of an architect.


11.Reverse Engineering at Work
We all know water can be used to generate electricity. Now we can see generated electricity being reversed so it comes out as water. Look how water is running out of a power socket. It isn’t just a fail, it is a deadly fail.


12.This is a Failure at its Finest
This is an embarrassment to humankind, and this structure should be demolished as soon as possible before aliens see it. This image needs no description, as it speaks of how a terrible architect master failed us all.


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