15 Workers Who Are Doing It Totally Wrong
Tuesday, Aug 18, 2020, 4:35 pm
By:James Fraser
Workplace safety is not everyone's thing. Some people don't care about the workplace safety they were taught, and continue to do things that put the lives of theirs and people around them at risk. Here are 15 images where you will see workers who completely forgot what work place safety is all about.
7.Another Dude Who Hardly Know about Electrical Conductivity
Iron is a good conductor of electricity, while things like wood and rubber resist it. This is the reason why we see electricians wearing safety boots. The person in this picture looks like he didn't even attend high school! Seriously, who will work with electricity sitting in an iron bucket?

8.I Will Cut his Ass with This Thing
This is work place failure at its best. What these people are actually thinking? If something goes wrong, the carpenter will split the other guy's ass into two. This is crazy and hilarious at the same time. We really don't have a clue how on earth that guy agreed to become a human table!

9.Down the Rabbit Hole
Who need machines when we have these supermen who can pull off great work place stunts like these? This crazy drain cleaner know how to get things done. We are not sure if the two men are supporting worker, or stopping him in his rabbit hole quest!

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