15 Workers Who Are Doing It Totally Wrong
Tuesday, Aug 18, 2020, 4:35 pm
By:James Fraser
Workplace safety is not everyone's thing. Some people don't care about the workplace safety they were taught, and continue to do things that put the lives of theirs and people around them at risk. Here are 15 images where you will see workers who completely forgot what work place safety is all about.
10.Explosive Concentration on Work
It is good to have sharp focus on work, but workers need to be aware what's happening in their surroundings. This worker has set a perfect stage for a terrible workplace mishap. We hope the man who is taking this photo have stopped a possible explosion.

11.The Irony is Strong with this One
Mark this one, as you are not going to see pictures like these everyday! The banner says 'think safety first', but the dude seems to be in no mood to care what it is saying! Now this is what we call irony. We hope the purpose behind this banner is served.

12.If You Smell What the Rock is Cooking
They think that two wood posts are strong enough to prevent this rock from crushing the worker. We think this is the case of a serious occupational safety fail. The worker is digging, which will only increase the chances of rock falling on him. Is it carelessness or lack of professional skills?

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