15 Workers Who Are Doing It Totally Wrong
Tuesday, Aug 18, 2020, 4:35 pm
By:James Fraser
Workplace safety is not everyone's thing. Some people don't care about the workplace safety they were taught, and continue to do things that put the lives of theirs and people around them at risk. Here are 15 images where you will see workers who completely forgot what work place safety is all about.
13.I Will Sit on this AC
If he ever knows what strength and stress in physics means, he will never do something like this again. Who on earth will sit on a condenser unit? The support straps are made to withstand the weight of a condenser unit only, not humans! This is another failure at work that would cost life, if something wrong happens.

14.Let Me Burn My Clothes While I Put My Safety Glasses on
This is a very interesting occupational safety fail. The person in the image is trying to put his safety glasses on, which is good, but he put his life at risk with improperly held welding torch. He could have stopped it for a while, or placed it somewhere at a secure place.

15.Train Will Just Cross this Thing
They think the train will nicely cross over those little bridges they have made, not doing any damage to the water pipe. These firemen look like they have missed all their science classes in high school. The train will destroy those little bridges unless they are strong enough to derail it!

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