12 Funniest Popsicle Stick Jokes That Will Make You Lol
Wednesday, Aug 19, 2020, 7:24 am
Tony Williams
It's hard to tell if you are going to like these popsicle stick jokes or not, but they will surely remind you of your childhood. Kids love popsicles a lot. Did you know popsicles were invented by an 11-year-old San Francisco boy, Frank Epperson, in 1911? The invention was purely an accident. Frank left flavored soda in cold weather with a stirring stick in it. When he came back to collect the drink, he noticed that it was frozen. When he tried to pull the stick out of it, he got hold of frozen soda! You can thank us for the cool fact later, but first, read 12 best popsicle stick jokes that are either funny or awful!
#5 Something Fishy
This is certainly one of those jokes where you groan at it before laughing, so in that respect it is actually quite good. OK so we could read a lot into who Kayla is and why they used that name, but that would just be taking things away from the joke itself.

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