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12 Hilarious Confused Black Guy Memes

Friday, Aug 14, 2020, 9:59 am

Confused Black Guy or Confused Nick Young memes convey those everyday moments of confusion in a funny manner. The meme uses a smiling photo of Lakers shooting guard, Nick Young, with a set of question marks on both sides of his face. These memes were originally a part of Black Twitter, but they gained popularity on all the leading meme websites after that. Even though these Confused Black Guy memes are not sidesplitting, they certainly make one chuckle a bit! Now, have a look at these 12 funny Confused Black Guy memes. 
7.Overprotective Girlfriend Problems

"When you are just chilling by yourself and get a text from your girl saying, I hope you are having fun with that bitch!"  
If you have a girlfriend like her, man, we are sorry to say your life is a mess! If you are a girlfriend like her, girl, we strongly suggest you give up your obsessive behavior. In a happy relationship, a couple trusts each other, spends time together, and importantly, gives each other some space. Remember, just because you are in a relationship doesn't mean you should do everything together! 

Overprotective Girlfriend Problems-12 Hilarious Confused Black Guy Memes

8.I Have A Boyfriend!

"Can I have the homework?"
"I have a boyfriend!" 
Telling people "I have a boyfriend" is inarguably the best way to thwart unwanted male attraction, especially those who hit on girls at places like bars, pubs, etc. However, girls need to make sure they tell this only to those guys who are trying to hit on them or flirting with them. If you are a girl, don't straightaway tell a stranger you have a boyfriend when he says hi or hello. Listen what he has to say and then let him know you are not interested! 

I Have A Boyfriend!-12 Hilarious Confused Black Guy Memes

9.Girl On Her Period

"When ya girl on her period, and she brought that blood shit yo crib!"
It is a hilarious meme, but then, it reminds us how a lot of guys are usually clueless about periods. Some of them even find it disgusting, just as this meme describes! We agree menstruation certainly appears weird from an average man's perspective, but they have to accept it and got to live with that because that's how things have been like for thousands of years! Offer your girlfriend some gentle tummy massage and dark chocolate during her period, and she will not forget you for the rest of her life! 

Girl On Her Period-12 Hilarious Confused Black Guy Memes

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