12 Hilarious Confused Black Guy Memes
Friday, Aug 14, 2020, 9:59 am
By:James Fraser
Confused Black Guy or Confused Nick Young memes convey those everyday moments of confusion in a funny manner. The meme uses a smiling photo of Lakers shooting guard, Nick Young, with a set of question marks on both sides of his face. These memes were originally a part of Black Twitter, but they gained popularity on all the leading meme websites after that. Even though these Confused Black Guy memes are not sidesplitting, they certainly make one chuckle a bit! Now, have a look at these 12 funny Confused Black Guy memes.
10.This Really Happened!
AliExpress triggered thousands of feminists around the world when a seller on its e-commerce platform used a slim girl to advertise large size leggings (up to 5XL). As you can see, the model girl shoved her entire lower body into the single leg of the women's bottom wear. This offended fat girls around the world, and in no time, the whole thing turned into a major controversy. Feminists around the world argued why the seller couldn't just use a fat girl to model 5XL. They may be right, but we shouldn't forget the fact that it's tough for an average manufacturer in China to find a plus-size model to display their 5XL leggings.

11.The Airport Was Closed!
"When Abdullah comes back from suicide mission claiming that the airport was closed!"
A controversial meme by nature, but we don't mind reading such jokes, do we?! It seems Abdullah has chickened out of the mission at the last moment, much to the relief of hundreds of innocent travelers! Jokes aside, a suicide bomber is the dumbest person to ever born on Earth. Who in the world kills themselves to just to kill a few other human beings around them? They are really the scum type on Earth.

12.Old People!
"Old people be lyin. In my day, we had to walk 100 miles to school thru snow across a lake of fire!"
They may exaggerate things a bit, but our grandparents had to struggle a lot to go to school or college. Schools and colleges were not in sufficient number back in those olden days. Most of the present day towns were underdeveloped and lacked educational centers a few decades ago. People had to travel a lot by walking to attend school. Cars were limited to extremely wealthy people, and public transport system was in its growing state.

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