12 Funny Dog Memes That Will Make You Lol
Saturday, Aug 15, 2020, 1:31 pm
By:James Fraser
Dogs are our best friends. Those fascinating four-legged creatures have been sharing their love with us for thousands of years. Not only does a dog shares loads of love, but it also keeps its family members smiling and laughing with its innocent, humorous, and dumb behavior. If you have a dog at your home, you already know how it makes you laugh now and then. Now, let's explore the funnier side of canines. Though they aren't as popular as cats, dogs have their fair share of content on the internet in the form of videos and funny pictures. Have a look at 12 such funny dog memes.
10.The Son Of A Brave Dog
This interesting and funny dog meme became viral a few months back because of its humorous description. Well, this pup is not a son of a brave dog that had sex with a tiger. Someone colored him this way. As you may know, dyeing pet animals with colors is a thing in the United States and Canada. Many owners groom their dogs in a weird way and paint them with their favorite colors. Some people make their pet dogs look like other animals such as tigers, lions, leopards, etc. Animal rights associations have been warning people about potential health risks, but who cares those warnings anyway?!

11.The Priceless Expression
This dog deserves an Oscar for showing so many feelings on its face that even many Hollywood actors can't do! Dogs are very expressive, and it is the reason why only, they managed to befriend human beings. Every dog gives a guilty look when its owner catches it doing something wrong. No matter how angry the person is, the guilty face of the dog instantly cools off the temper. Hey, many videos on YouTube.com show dogs putting up a guilty face for doing something wrong. If you love dogs, you are going to enjoy those videos.

12.This Nasty Confession
Since dogs can't scratch their balls or ass like how humans do, they use their tongue to do the job. Every pet owner can relate to this meme! Dogs keep licking their privates for various reasons including some health issues. Many pet owners don't mind receiving kisses from their dogs, though. They believe that a dog's saliva is robust enough to kill dangerous bacteria and viruses, which in reality is a misconception. Dogs cause allergy to many people, and in a worst-case scenario, they even transmit harmful microbes that cause terrible diseases. No offense to pet owners!

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