12 Funny Feminist Memes That Are Sure To Trigger Some Feminists
Monday, Aug 24, 2020, 1:07 pm
By:James Fraser
So, what does feminism actually mean? The dictionary says that feminism is an advocacy of women's rights based on the equality of the sexes. EQUALITY. You read that, right? Unfortunately, many women have turned feminism into a man-hating business. Those crazy feminists have made an average man hate the concept of feminism altogether. Who is a real feminist? Angela Merkel, the Chancellor of Germany - or some whiny British girl who complained that air conditioning is sexist? If you see the latter as an inspiring women's rights crusader, we are sure you are not going to enjoy reading this topic! Anyway, check these 12 funny and stupid feminist memes that make you laugh or cringe hard right away!
10.Exactly, This Is Feminism!
You are a feminist when you believe that men and women must be treated equally. You are a feminist when you can wholeheartedly work with men to build a better world. You can totally ignore males and can still be a good feminist. Did you remember how a lot of feminists came forward to condemn Trump's sleazy remarks about women? What did they achieve by doing so? Too bad, they couldn't even stop him from becoming the President. Do you know ISIS terrorists have been raping thousands of women in the Middle East? Can you even imagine in your wildest dreams about some terrorist guys taking girls in your family hostage and raping them? That's a reality in countries like Syria, Iraq, etc. Why no progressive feminist talks about that and raise a placard to create awareness and put pressure on international community?

11.Sexist Air Conditioning!
The woman in this meme is a Telegraph.co.uk writer who made news several months ago when she claimed that air conditioning at workplaces was sexist! The 25-year-old British media professional, Radhika Sanghani, believed that women don't find cold environments comfortable like how men do. She even advised employers to set room temperature wisely so that the female employees wouldn't shiver. As expected, a lot of people didn't like her claim at all, and the whole sexist air conditioning fiasco was turned into a source of various memes and internet jokes.

12.I Don't Need Feminism Because
Feminists are a minority within the female group. Bad feminists are even lesser in number, so not every girl we meet is a man-hating women's right activist. Women need feminism, and there is no doubt in that. Just as we have been saying throughout this topic, real feminism is about women joining their hands to work collectively and uplift lives of young girls and females around the world by teaching them the ways to be self-sufficient, so they don't have to rely on men for food or money. Sadly, radical man-haters hijacked feminism and have done a great bit of damage to the women's rights movement.

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