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12 Funny Feminist Memes That Are Sure To Trigger Some Feminists

Monday, Aug 24, 2020, 1:07 pm

So, what does feminism actually mean? The dictionary says that feminism is an advocacy of women's rights based on the equality of the sexes. EQUALITY. You read that, right? Unfortunately, many women have turned feminism into a man-hating business. Those crazy feminists have made an average man hate the concept of feminism altogether. Who is a real feminist? Angela Merkel, the Chancellor of Germany - or some whiny British girl who complained that air conditioning is sexist? If you see the latter as an inspiring women's rights crusader, we are sure you are not going to enjoy reading this topic! Anyway, check these 12 funny and stupid feminist memes that make you laugh or cringe hard right away! 
7.Exactly, That Is What A Feminist Looks Like!

The so-called self-proclaimed feminists cut off their hair, dye whatever left on their head with vibrant colors, wear crazy-looking eye-glasses, and try everything they can to look different from the rest. More than 90% of those feminists don't strive for equal rights. They just exist to hate men, and all they do round the clock is spread hatred toward men. That is bad feminism, and it isn't going to help women in any possible way. Feminism should bring a change in the lives of millions of young girls and women suffering in the Middle East, Asian, and African nations. On the one hand, we have crazy feminists who denounce the use of menstrual pads, and on the contrary, we have poor girls who use sawdust to cover up their period. Sad.

Exactly, That Is What A Feminist Looks Like!-12 Funny Feminist Memes That Are Sure To Trigger Some Feminists


Was she just trying to be funny? Was she indirectly roasting feminists? Since we don't know what exactly her intention is, let's not jump into any quick conclusion! One thing for sure is that many feminists think more or less the same. As we said earlier, real feminism is about working toward building a society with gender equality. It is about making women all over the world exercise fundamental human rights. Feminism should empower women, and stand with females, and support them when they are in need.

Wut?-12 Funny Feminist Memes That Are Sure To Trigger Some Feminists

9.Can Men Rape Without Laying A Hand?

Apparently, the girl is talking about stare rape. We live in a world where we can't stop people from looking at us. It isn't a crime to look at people. With that being said, we totally condemn those inappropriate and vulgar stares some men usually give to girls. Listen, we live in a world where we have roses, and thorns grow on the same plant. We have good people, and then, we have bad ones. There is absolutely no point in trying to change bad people. They won't change at all. We just need to take care and protect ourselves from potential threats. Would you pick a thorn with your hand because you can?

Can Men Rape Without Laying A Hand?-12 Funny Feminist Memes That Are Sure To Trigger Some Feminists

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