12 Funny Kelso Burn Memes That Will Make You Lol
Sunday, Aug 23, 2020, 12:10 pm
By:James Fraser
Hey, do you enjoy watching stupid people getting burned? If so, you have just arrived at the right place! Prepare yourself to see some of the best Kelso Burn memes, and witness dumb people getting owned mercilessly. There exist a lot of burn memes on the internet, and one of them uses a photograph of "That '70s Show" character, Michael Kelso, portrayed by Ashton Kutcher. What you are about to see now are only those Michael Kelso Burn memes. If you don't want to delay things any further, just scroll down the page to start seeing the memes!
4.What's On Your Mind?
We haven't seen a retort that is as intense as this in the recent years! The girl who said "penis" just tried to be funny, and we don't think she deliberately tried to insult the other girl. Despite that, she still got owned with what sounded like a brutal, brutal, rejoinder. If you were that girl who got roasted, how would you respond? Think about it, and come up with a savage comeback! You may have a look at these 15 smart yet hilarious comebacks for some inspiration!

5.Aren't Moms Great?!
This burn meme is humorous, and probably that first-time lover guy might have had a good laugh at it! It is clearly not as insulting as other memes on this topic, and if you have to make fun of others without sounding rude, this is how you need to do it! To talk about moms, yes, they are indeed the most loving people on Earth. Moms love their kids as no one does, and they wholeheartedly do that without expecting anything in return!

6.Karma Takes Care Of Everything!
Hey, haven't you read anything satisfying in the recent days? Read this story, then. Apparently, someone describes how they met their school bully at a Subway! Oh boy, that must feel extremely gratifying for them! A lot of people falsely assume bullies to be the most confident students in a classroom, but most of them fail in the later stages of their life because their bad attitude isn't going to take them anywhere close to success.

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